Archives from Winter Term 2011 onward / Archiv ab WS 2011

24.10.2022 16:45

Multivariate Sparse Clustering for Extremes

Olivier Wintenberger (Sorbonne Université, France)
17.10.2022 16:45

On the weak convergence of the Nearest neighbor process

Françoise Portier (CREST and ENSAI, France)
10.10.2022 16:45

Optimal nonparametric testing of Missing Completely At Random, and its connections to compatibility

Richard J. Samworth (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
03.10.2022 16:45

Optimal Transport-based Data Analysis: Inference, Algorithms, Applications

Axel Munk (Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany)
20.06.2022 16:45

Learning laws of Stochastic Processes

Harald Oberhauser (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)