It is well known that irregular (i.e., not Hellinger-differentiable) parametric models show unusual asymptotic behaviour (e.g., faster rates of convergence, non-Gaussian limit laws). In the case of nonparametric regression $Y_i=f(x_i)+\epsilon_i$ with irregular errors, e.g. $\epsilon_i\sim \Gamma(\alpha,\lambda)$, faster rates of convergence can be obtained for tail indices $\alpha<2$ using a classical local parametric (e.g. polynomial) method. Surprisingly, for estimating linear functionals like $\int_0^1 f(x)dx$ the theory and methods are completely different from both, the parametric irregular and the nonparametric regular theory. In particular, plug-in methods are not rate-optimal and optimal estimators are unbiased even though involving a bandwidth tuning parameter. In addition, a nonparametric MLE (over Hölder classes) is computationally feasible and reveals fascinating properties in connection with stochastic geometry. Nonparametric sufficiency and completeness arguments can be applied to show its non-asymptotic optimality in a fundamental Poisson point process model. The theory is motivated by volatility estimation based on best bid and ask prices in stock markets.
(work in progress with Leonie Selk, Hamburg)
Vortrag aus Archiv
Optimal estimation of linear functionals in irregular nonparametric models
05.05.2014 16:45 - 17:45
Sky Lounge OMP1