Suche im Archiv
Indifference pricing in illiquid markets
Extremes of 'typical' functions on a sphere, random matrices and complexity of spin glasses
Bounds for stochastic optimization programs
Two-sample empirical likelihood methods
Local Multiple-Output Quantile Regression
Fakultaetsoeffentliche Praesentationen
Graphical Approaches to construct multiple testing procedures and extensions to adaptive designs
14.10.2013 16:45
Conditional Transformation Models
21.10.2013 16:45
A status report (including open questions) about the Nelder-Mead method for derivative-free optimization
28.10.2013 16:45
Information criteria for use under sparsity
04.11.2013 16:45
On efficient estimators of the proportion of true null hypotheses in a multiple testing setup (Joint work with Van Hanh Nguyen)
18.11.2013 16:45
On asymptotically optimal confidence regions and tests for high-dimensional models (with Sara van de Geer, Peter Buehlmann)
25.11.2013 16:45
Dynamic adaptive multiple tests with finite sample "false discovery rate" control -Robust adaptivity-
02.12.2013 16:45
Models and algorithms for an integrated fleet-assignment, aircraft-routing and crew-pairing problem
09.12.2013 16:45
Integrated traffic planning: Line planning and timetabling revisited
13.01.2014 16:45