Suche im Archiv
14.06.2021 16:45
Dynamic Default Contagion in interbank systems
28.06.2021 16:45
Public presentation of PhD projects (FoeP)
18.10.2021 16:45
The joint limit distribution of partial maxima and partial sums of a heavy-tailed time series
25.10.2021 16:45
Shape, Homology, Persistence, and Stability
08.11.2021 16:45
Consistency of p-norm based tests in high dimensions: characterization, monotonicity, domination
10.11.2021 16:45
New results about Correlation Matrices
22.11.2021 16:45
Mean-field LIBOR market models and valuation of long term guarantees
29.11.2021 16:45
Overparametrization and the bias-variance dilemma
13.12.2021 16:45
Learning laws of Stochastic Processes
10.01.2022 16:45
Posterior predictive model checking using formal methods in a spatio-temporal model
17.01.2022 16:45
Talk by Michael Vogt - title tba
24.01.2022 16:45
Talk by Axel Munk - title tba
31.01.2022 16:45
Public presentation of PhD projects (FoeP)
04.04.2022 16:45
Overparametrization and the bias-variance dilemma
25.04.2022 16:45
Mean-field LIBOR market models and valuation of long term guarantees
02.05.2022 16:45
High-dimensional nonparametric functional graphical models via the additive partial correlation operator
09.05.2022 16:45
The Completion of Covariance Kernels
16.05.2022 16:45
Estimating the lasso's effective noise
25.05.2022 15:00
Statistical inference for intrinsic wavelet estimators of covariance matrices in a log-Euclidean manifold
13.06.2022 16:45
Optimal stopping with signatures
20.06.2022 16:45
Learning laws of Stochastic Processes
10.10.2022 16:45
Optimal nonparametric testing of Missing Completely At Random, and its connections to compatibility
17.10.2022 16:45
On the weak convergence of the Nearest neighbor process
24.10.2022 16:45
Multivariate Sparse Clustering for Extremes
21.11.2022 16:45