Minor "Operations Research"

Master's programme: Business Administration

Language: English

Credits: 20 ECTS

The Minor "Operations Research" focuses on quantitative models for solving decision problems arising in economic and business applications such as production planning, scheduling, logistics, network design, resolution of conflicting goals and group decisions, fairness, equity and efficiency, also under limited information (uncertainty).

In particular, the following topics are discussed:

  • Discrete and Continuous Optimization
  • Game Theory
  • Networks and Graphs
  • Data Uncertainty


In the courses we develop mathematical models for the considered problems, analyze them thoroughly and introduce algorithmic methods to find feasible and optimal solutions.

Course Title TypeNumberTermECTSLecturer
Linear, Nonlinear and Integer Optimization (MA)
UK040072WS4Raimund Kovacevic
Game Theory (MA)
KU040626WS4Walter Gutjahr
Optimization under Uncertainty (MA)
UK040114SS4Raimund Kovacevic/
Georg Pflug
Applications of Operations Research (MA)
SE040918SS4Gabriele Uchida
Graph Algorithms and Network Flows (MA)
UK040968SS4Georg Pflug